Saturday 23 May 2015

Apa tu Law of Attaction


Aku ada baca satu article dari Pinterest. Apa yang aku tulis ni adalah dari pemahaman aku dari situ untuk rujukan aku.

Kita kena set kan diri kita 100% bertanggungjawap untuk kehidupan kita ni. Apa yang kita lalui akan reflect hidup kita ni. Semua yang baik atau jahat secara kita tak sedar sangat mempengaruhi fikiran yang positive atau negative.

Sebenarnya kita kena selalu fikir yang baik-baik sahaja. Kena isikan otak kita dengan benda yang baik-baik, kasih sayang, benda yang tenang...pendek kata yang happy sahaja. Secara tak langsung, benda-benda ni akan buat otak serta organ-organ dalam badan kita sentiasa sihat dan kita enjoy dengan hidup kita.

10 ways to begin living the Law of Attraction

1) Learn and be aware of the law of attraction and what it's telling you
2) Be willing to accept that you are creating your experience
3) Know exactly what you want in your life and expect to receive it
4) Create a vision board with pictures and text to reflect on what you want
5) Spend 3 minutes each morning and night affirming what you want by reviewing your vision board
6) Recognize and rid yourself of any resisting thoughts, ideas, emotions and events that oppose your intentions.
7) Be aware of any new ideas ans inspiration that comes pertaining to your goals and your vision board and write them down
8) Always maintain a healthy body trough daily exercise and proper eating
9) Treat everyone, no matter their actions, with respect
10) Take action on the inspired ideas...write down when you plan on taking action on it today

Semua yang omputih ini jumpa sebenarnya sangat lah bagus dan lagi bagus kalau kita kaitkan dengan amalan kita dengan Allah. Sebenarnya dalam islam da memang terapkan amalan-amalan baik dan bagus untuk kita amalkan. Zikir-zikir dan doa-doa serta amalan adalah bonus kepada kita yang telah dilahirkan sebagai Islam..

Semoga aku akan sentiasa Istiqoma' dan sentiasa berusaha sebaik-baiknya.

Friday 15 May 2015

Makanan yang sesuai untuk pcoser

Tujuan post ini adalah untuk senang aku nak rujuk bila-bila nanti.

Info ini aku dapat dari Pinterest. Banyak info-info yang best dari pinterest ini. Caranya click je kat picture tu akan direct ke blog info tu.

Topic nya PCOS Superfoods by Taryyn. Tarynn ni dia pun PCOS tapi berjaya pregnant lepas amalkan Low GI diet dan exercise serta buat BBT. Sekarang anak dia da masuk 2..

We live in an increasingly health conscious society where we are becoming more aware of how food can impact on our bodies and well being, healing us or putting us at risk of disease. Superfoods are becoming increasingly popular for their touted health benefits. Well, let’s have a look at some PCOS superfoods that may help us manage our symptoms.
It’s important that we eat well-balanced, healthy whole foods and incorporating some of these foods into your diet will help to improve some of your symptoms. This list is by no means definitive but it is a good place to start. I make sure that they also frequently appear in my weekly meal plans.


Avocados have gotten some bad press in recent years as it is considered to be fairly high in fat. While this is true, the fats contained in avos are healthy fats and are actually anti-inflammatory in nature (1). This anti-inflammatory property is important in terms of PCOS as we are prone to chronic inflammation (2). One study even suggests that “inflammation directly stimulates the polycystic ovary to produce androgens.” (3) Yikes that doesn’t sound good! Inflammation is also problematic as it increases our resistance to insulin, making our symptoms worse (4).
Another aspect of avocados is that they help with the absorption of oil-based nutrients and carotenoids in particular. So, adding avocados to your salad will ensure that you are getting maximum nutrients from your salads and foods. (1)


For a long time I have been enjoying nuts regularly as a snack. I find them filling and are not likely to spike my
insulin levels as they have a low glycemic index and actually lower the glycemic index of other foods you might be eating at the same time (Eg: an apple with a handful of nuts will have a lower GI than the apple on it’s own) (5)
But, it gets even better… There was a recent study of 31 women with PCOS (6). They were divided into two groups: one group received walnuts and the other got almonds. They ate these nuts daily for a 6 week period. The results were very interesting.
Researchers found that the women in the walnut group had increased sex hormone-binding globulin. This is important because SHBG binds to testosterone and lowers the amount of free testosterone in the blood (7) which will help to improve our overall symptoms.
The women in the almond group has lower androgen or testosterone levels. So, it looks like nuts are a really healthy snack to introduce into your PCOS diet. Just be aware that they are quite high in calories (22 almonds is about 160 calories) (8) .


Cinnamon is a wonderfully versatile spice that can be enjoyed on both sweet and savoury foods. The good news is that it is also great for your Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Here’s why:
The first thing is that research has been shown to lower blood glucose in people with Type 2 diabetes. We know that this is important as many of us are insulin resistant and are at rick of becoming diabetic. The study showed that cinnamon consumption results in a lower demand for insulin (9). (Insulin acts on our ovaries to produce testosterone so if we can manage our insulin levels, we’ll be able to better manage our testosterone (10)
To take that one step further, there was another piece of research done on 45 women with PCOS. They found that women who taken cinnamon daily have nearly twice as many periods and two of the women in the study fell pregnant spontaneously (11)
I know what you’re going to ask me now: “How much should you have?” Well, the first piece of research suggests 3g of cinnamon per day. That’s just over half a teaspoon. I see many spiced almond milk lattes in my future, interspersed with cups of spearmint tea to ensure variety!


I’ve been making a lot of gluten free breads recently as I try to find alternatives for my carb-loving daughter. One of the staple ingredients in these breads (see Elana’s Pantry for some delicious ideas) is apple cider vinegar. I have heard that it is good for PCOS but have not really researched it, until now…
It seems that apple cider vinegar improves sensitivity to insulin (12) So, taking ACV before a meal will reduce your blood sugar levels after the meal, as well as the amount of insulin needed to cope with the meal. Not only that, but it also helps to prevent sharp rises and falls in your blood sugars and insulin. Hmmmmm, I wonder if that would help with carb cravings? A quick Google search tells me that lots of women feel it does help with cravings.
So, how should we take it? Firstly, find an organic one so it’s free of nasties. Secondly, 20 g (roughly 2 tablespoons) in water before meals is what was used in the research. Might be worth a try?


Did you know that 67-85% of women with PCOS are vitamin D deficient(13)? So basically, most of us. Also, the symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency include:
  • Insulin resistance
  • Ovulatory and menstrual irregularities
  • Lower pregnancy success/li>
  • Hirsutism
  • Hyperandrogenism
  • Obesity
  • Elevated cardiovascular disease risk factors
Sounding a little too familiar isn’t it?
Well, there are very few dietary sources of Vitamin D but salmon happens to be the best source, with 4oz of salmon providing 127% of your recommended daily intake. (14)
Not only that, salmon (especially wild salmon as opposed to framed salmon) is also high in Omega 3 which is known to help lower testosterone levels in women with PCOS (15)
So, why not have at least one serving of salmon per week to help battle your PCOS?


Not one food is ever going to manage all of our symptoms but by incorporating a variety of healthy foods into our diet we will be better able to manage our symptoms.
So, to sum it up, why not try for a couple of servings of each of the following:
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Cinnamon
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Salmon
Setakat ini aku penah amalkan Avocado, almond dengan cinnamon..tapi biasalah tak berterusan.

Lepas ni, aku akan cuba nak amalkan..bukan sebab TTC je tapi bagus untuk kesihatan.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Melaka 2015: Vista Horizon Condo, Klebang


Cuti Hari Pekerja ni aku da family bercuti ke Melaka. Tahun lepas rasanya banyak kali da bercuti kat Melaka.. Dulu Mr. H berkampung kat AKMAL, Melaka 3 bulan.. Selalu gaklah.

Memandangkan cuti Hari Pekerja ni bersembung dengan cuti Wesak, memang ramai gaklah yang bercuti time ni. Jalan ofcos jem je...Tapi dengan bantuan WAZE dapatlah cari alternative yang cepat sikit sampai.

Harga hotel pun kebanyakkan mahal time cuti ni.. akhirnya lepas godek-godek agoda terjumpalah tempat yang sesuai untuk kami 9 orang termasuk si kecik Irfan..

Kiranya tempat ni konsepnya macam homestay la... Nama dalam agoda Vista Horizon Condo. Tapi actually nama tempat ni Condominium Selat Horizon. Lokasinya berdekatan Pantai Klebang. Kami disana selama 2 malam. Harga RM 250/night. Condo ni ada 3 bilik, 2 parking dan ada swimming pool.

Pintu masuk

Aku dan Mr. H gerak lambat sikit sebabnya dia baru balik kerja malam..bagilah rehat jap. Mak ayah dgn kakak2 dah gerak dulu dan dorang da sampai. So, tak sempatlah nak amek gambar-gambar homestay tu..hehe..

Gambar-gambar ni aku amek dari Tapi nak bagitaw memang sama keadaan nya macam dalam gambar-gambar ni!!! tak pelik la dapat rating 8.1 kat agoda.

masuk2 nampak view ni

kalau betul2 lampu pocong tu je tak ada

ni dapur

memang 90% sama macam gambar agoda ni

toilet dalam master bedroom

swimming pool

Dalam homestay ni tak boleh nak masak-masak even ada dapur pun. Ada beberapa laci memang berkunci dan ada washing mashine jugak..tapi tak boleh guna..pintu berkunci.

Vista Horizon ni dekat dengan Klebang original coconut shake. Walking distance. Boleh nampak orang Q dari bilik..kih3.. Sorry la nak beratur panjang-panjang gitu.. Tapi kami try juga kat Batu Berendam Coconut Shake...sedap dan tak payah tunggu lama...

Ada satu malam tu kami makan kat area Umbai..tak ingat lak namanya... memang ramai giler...dan kalau datang lambat memang kena tunggu berjam-jam..

Tak banyak aktiviti special pun kat sini....bolehlah nak relax-relax...Tapi stress jem pulak kat sini...hohoho

Tuesday 5 May 2015

2nd appoinment- Who're you PCOS???


Hari ni appointment pukul 9 pagi.. Sampai PPUM lebih kurang 840am... Parking pun senang gak la... Kena proceed buat bayaran before naik ke tingkat 4.

Pagi tu orang tak ramai lagi..Cepat gak la dapat masuk jumpa Doc. Rasa macam orang pertama..

Masuk-masuk bilik Doc da cuak sebabnya macam ramai org kat dalam tu. Ada nurse doc ofcos dgn sorang doc pelatih kot.

Nama doc tu Dr. Zura. Doc  ni nampak cool dan relax. Tak ada la sius sangat macam Doc 1st appoinment dulu.

Ok.. tujuan appoinment hari ni nak check result-result test yang pernah kami buat.

Alhamdulillah askar-askar Mr. H ok dan sihat... dan macam aku jangkakan dari 1st appoinment aku ada PCOS.. sebabnya masa TVS 1st appoinment tu da nampak polycystic ovary .. Masa doc tu cakap tak ada la aku terkejut. Tapi ofcos la sedih gak.. Dr. Zura cakap aku maybe mild PCOS sebabnya aku ciri-ciri PCOS tak nampak kat aku.. aku non-obese dan tak ada simptom tumbuh banyak bulu.

Harini CD 11 dan Dr. Zura cakap kena natural cycle dulu sebabnya tak sempat da nak on CLOMID. Next cycle baru start CLOMID dan terus proceed dengan IUI.

Dr. Zura terus suruh TVS sebab boleh check size follicle biasanya CD 11 dah nak ovulate. Hasil dari TVS tu ada 2 yg size 8mm sahaja. Tapi Dr. Zura tu bagos..dia tak down kan aku..Dia cakap normal sebabnya pcoser tak semestinya ovulate CD 14. Dia cadangkan datang buat TVS hari isnin tu track follicle tersebut.

Oww yer... result HSG haritu kedua-dua tube aku normal. Dan main concern aku sekarang ialah macamana nk biar kan hormon-hormon aku stabil serta telur aku berjaya matang dengan jayanya. Blood test on CD 21 pun da tunjuk level progesterone aku low.

PCOS atau nama panjangnya Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome. Paling senang nak paham, problem reproductive yang terjadi dari ketidakstabilan hormon yang membuatkan period tak stabil..

Punca PCOS pun masih belum diketahui. Maybe dari sejarah keturunan dan faktor pemakanan.

Setakat apa yang aku google, pcoser ni paling penting jangan bagi berat naik..tapi tak bermaksud semua yang gemok tu ada PCOS..tapi bila da disahkan pcos, memang kena jaga makan kena banyak kan exersice..

Actually lepas da tawu result ni aku lega sikit la...bukan happy...huhu..tapi setidak-tidaknya kami tahu sebabnya dan aku tak kan makan sebarang supplement tanpa tengok kandngan dalam tu. Tak semua supplement utk TTC sesuai untuk pcoser.

Next appoinment, kena tunggu next period dan call PPUM untuk appoinment.